A couple of photos from A...
A big thanks to Patrick Timms for a couple of shots from an Australian canyon he likes to visit after heavy rain.
Welcome to our new websit...
This has been set up so purchases are easy online and showcase our latest product range – the SCURION LIGHTS, with all their brilliant options. After using
A nice movie made by Davi...
Auckland Lava caves
After remaining buried for 30 years, the rediscovery of this cave was a lot of fun. The cave itself is set in a school grounds where previously
More from Geoff and his volcano!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=VuQrUwFn6bU See Geoff standing besides a bubbling volcano with Rope bags and gear from AccessGear!
What gear do I need for c...
What gear do I need for canyoning in New Zealand Click here for the pictured version – Buying the right Gear you need for canyoning in New Zealand
Access Gear Expedition Ba...
Updated Expedition bag 3:12:18 Updated and ready for canyoning
Kordas climbing rope revi...
Micheals review of Kordas Monik 9.6mm Owen and Petrouchkas review Review of Kordas Kris 10.1mm
Access Gear ‘Guide ...
‘Extreme Canyon Bag’ remake……. The original Extreme model is the biggest selling canyoning pack in New Zealand, for good reason. These packs have endured years and
Mein Hole cave
An interesting cave with a few small challenges to negotiate. This Whale bone is left exposed in the stream way.